The goal of Isha Yiras Hashem on substack is to expose people to a depth of spiritual and religious values that they may never otherwise encounter.

I am Jewish, so I use Jewish sources. According to Jewish sources, all humans are made in the image of G-d and have a physical and spiritual dimension. This spiritual dimension cannot be seen by human eyes or proven through science, but it can be felt by the spiritual part of ourselves. Everyone can pray, everyone can atone for sin, everyone can draw close to G-d, and everyone can make a better world by acts of kindness to other people.

Do not imagine that I write this in isolation. Thank you to Rebbetzin Devorah Fastag, without whom this would be an empty shell. All mistakes are mine alone.


--Stories about real people have details changed to protect the innocent, or the guilty, or the neutral.

-- Boris the Terrible is a fictional character.

— Always feel free to request sources. It would take hours to provide every source used, so I usually only provide the major ones.

-- No one has ever performed any of the songs. Feel free to do so.

—Email me at:

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, criticisms, or a really good recipe for baking chicken and potatoes.

Isha Yiras Hashem at substack

For Spanish Speakers:

Risas, Espiritual. ¡No monetizado! No acepto donaciones. ¡Expresa tu apoyo compartiendo mis publicaciones con otros!

Las traducciones al español tienen exactamente el mismo contenido que el texto en inglés.

El objetivo de Isha Yiras Hashem en substack es exponer a las personas a una profundidad de valores espirituales y religiosos que de otro modo nunca encontrarían, utilizando fuentes judías originales tanto como sea posible.

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Humor, Spiritual. Risas, espiritual.

People spiritual/ humor English/Español