Fertility trends won’t reverse themselves just because cranks mutter abstractly about the fate of civilization.

It will turn around when a high school student can tell her classmates and teachers that she wants to be a mom when she grows up, and the teachers and classmates respond with smiles and congratulations rather than funny looks and comments about wasted talents.

It will take a lot of cute baby pictures. This post is a great start. Flood the world.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it! I kept posting this in the comments and finally thought, why not just make it myself?

If you haven't read it yet, you may also enjoy my piece on parenting Minecraft addicts, which gives you a glimpse into parenting a few years later. https://ishayirashashem.substack.com/p/parenting-cute-little-minecraft-addicts

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So true.

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I'm a stay at home mother, so this really spoke to me.

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Imagine a world without baby Yebin (https://youtu.be/gKhV8ixsOvA?si=wUjB-MqoOm7uBP1X)

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Cuteness personified!

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