I highly enjoyed reading your explanation! Clear and easy to understand and a thorough and thoughtful explanation.

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I heard Rabbi Wein speak on this topic (or a very similar one) trying to imagine the exact details in his main point is scientific reality and halachic reality reside on two non-overlapping plains. So for example the worm inside the apple is called a worm in the scientific reality but is not called a worm in the halachic reality. Today we have stainless steel pots that its been proven don't absorb any food cooked inside them - yet the halachic reality stays the same and all the laws of kashuring still apply. A wall on a sukkah or an erev might not be scientifically a wall because you can walk through it. Science and Halacha are not really affected by each other directly so the whole premise represents a fundamental lack of the understanding of halacha...

I think the example Rav Wein gave is if someone blows Shofar from a Shofar taken from an idolatrous city (that needs to be destroyed) then while in scientific reality he is blowing from a shofar in halachic reality there is nothing in his hand and he is not blowing anything...

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Thanks for sharing!

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